Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2019 service project! Our goal was to collect 218 books to donate to the Ronald McDonald Home in honor of Brigham’s 218th birthday.
We are thrilled to announce we met our goal! There were 224 books donated the day of the luncheon.
Books donated by Brigham Young Granddaughters Association members at the 2019 luncheon.
Says Meg Boud, BYGA President 2019, “The reason I chose this project and why it meant something to me as the president is because of an experience our family had at the Ronald McDonald House last November. My son and his wife had a newborn baby in the NICU in Wisconsin for two weeks. During that time, they and their three other children were able to stay at the Ronald McDonald House instead of having to pay for a hotel or having to commute an hour and a half each way to be with their baby. While there, they gave the kids stuffed animals and a few things that people has donated. It meant a lot that people cared about those parents and siblings who were stuck with little ones in the hospital.”
“To have them care about the other kids meant a lot to me. So when it came time to choose something, I knew I wanted to give back a little to the Ronald McDonald House. Since Brigham Young was such a strong proponent of education, it just made sense to collect books for children to be able to give to them while they are going through a difficult time. It makes a difference to have something to hold on to.”
The goal was to collect as many books as years Brigham was turning, which was 218. When we counted the books at the end of the luncheon, we had 213. “But somehow, I just felt like 5 more books were going to show up,” said Meg. “I had felt so strongly that somehow we were going to make it to the 218.”
Lo and behold, as we were cleaning up and the last of us were there visiting, someone came in with a bag containing eleven books!! Our jaws all dropped. The additional books took us over the 218 we were shooting for.
“The people at the Ronald McDonald House were so grateful to receive our donation of books,” said Meg. “And I’m very grateful for everyone’s generosity to help make that dream a reality - that we were able to give to all those kids. I know that those books will help ease their burdens in those challenging times. It might bring a little ray of sunshine or a little bit of hope. It’ll help them know that people love them.”
Pulling up to the Ronald McDonald House in Salt Lake City to drop off donated books.
If you would like to know more about the Ronald McDonald House, the services they offer to those in need and how to get involved, please visit their website at