
Our History

The first luncheon of the Granddaughters of Brigham Young was held in the Lion House on 8 May 1944. Only a handful of Young relatives were present. For the first three years, only female descendants who were fifty years of age or over were "invited" to belong. By 1948, a motion was made to include granddaughters of any age.

Issues of importance that have been covered over the past years include the 1946 official protestation of the statue of Brigham Young in the Washington DC Hall of Fame because "it did not show that great man in his true light;" the 1947 petitioning to have Brigham Young's gravesite made into a park reaching from 1st Avenue to South Temple; the 1960 opposition of the moving of the original cobble wall of the Beehive House, and a request that the "Eagle Gate be restored to its original site and that the original eagle be repaired, restored and replaced atop the historic Eagle Gate."

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to:

  • Provide opportunity for all members to meet together at least once a year.

  • Promote social relationship and closer acquaintance among members.

  • Foster and encourage appreciation for our great heritage and to strive for further knowledge concerning our great ancestor, Brigham Young.


Our Organization

The Brigham Young Granddaughters Association is an organization dedicated to promoting social relationships among members and fostering appreciation for our great heritage. Our organization is led by an executive committee, which handles all business of the Association and plans for all meetings and activities of the Association.

The executive committee is made up of the following officers:

  • President

  • President Elect

  • Vice-President

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Historian

  • Publicity Chairman

All officers are elected for the year by a majority vote of the members in attendance at the annual meeting. With the termination of service of the president (one year), the next three or four officers, in above named order, shall advance to the next above office.

Our Events

Each year, members of the Brigham Young Granddaughters Association gather together for a luncheon to celebrate our great heritage and attend to Association "housekeeping" details. Historically, these luncheons have been held at the Lion House. However, due to our increasing numbers, the luncheon has been relocated to the Garden Place at This is the Place Heritage Park.

At the annual luncheon, members enjoy sharing a meal together, participating in a service project, listening to a special speaker, electing Association officers, and attending to various "housekeeping" items.

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